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Writer's picturePat Zachry

Want to CHANGE your life? - steps to live by week 4 - How to walk through life with ease.

In this blog I will share with you 5 principles to live by.

puppy on a pillow with his ears up
Doing your best?

I will share one principle every two weeks. This will give your the time to work with this principle and intergrade the practice into your life. Then I will introduce the next principle to add to your intergradation.

Change your life - Steps to live by: week 4



What does this mean? I am sure there are many perceptions of the meaning of this principle. Here is my perspective at this time.

Always do our best, do not base your quality of work, your chore, your job on how someone else does theirs. Your integrity is at stake here. Always strive to do your best.

When someone does something for us, for our work place, for a friend, do you ever look at it and say "That could have been done better" That tells you, that by your quality of work, they did not do their best!

Take pride in EVERYTHING you do. Think of it as a reflection of you. Could you have done better? or Did you "just get it done"? Well so-in-so wouldn't have done it this well.

Was it YOUR best? Is that what you would have expected if it had been done for you? Pay attention and do not hurry through your project just to get it done. Take personal pride in EVERYTHING you do. This is not to impress anyone, it is simply doing your best.

This may seem like a piece of cake or the hardest thing you have to do. Work with this principle for the next two weeks, Incorporating it with the previous principles. (see previous posts)

You may want to sit with the words and see what does this mean to you? How often do I NOT live by this principle? Always do your best

Pay attention to what you are doing. Are you doing your best? This is the first step in changing your habit, your belief, your knee jerk reaction is acknowledging "Yes I do this. "

First recognizing it, then to make a conscious effort to change it. These Habits, knee jerk reactions, the arguments are running your life by default. Take back your life, become your own author. Write your own story. Live and do what you expect others to do for you.

This is not for praise, ego, or any other outside reaction. It is for you to live an honorable, life of integrity.

By now you have figured out that these are not a quick fix principles, it is life changing principles. We came to LIVE life not be lived BY life. Live your life by CHOICE not by default.

As you have incorporated/intergraded these principles into your life you will start seeing changes in your life. The Universe is working FOR you not against you. You start seeing more and more synchronicity in your life, pay attention, paying attention you will receive the guidance you are so hungry to receive. It has been there all along, you were to busy to listen or see.

The life you live is why you came, live by default or by choice. It is up to you.

Remember change your life - steps to live by week 4



Patricia Zachry

Shamanic Energy Medicine


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